Webinar Date: Tuesday January 26th 2021
Webinar Time: 1:00 – 2:00 PM CET (8:00 – 9:00 PM Malysia time)
Join us for the webinar “Interstitial liver brachytherapy – experiences from Munich and Malaysia” with Dr. Stefanie Corradini, LMU Munich Germany and Dr Gokula Kumar Appalanaido and Dr. Muhamad Zabidi Ahmad, Advanced Medical and Dental Institute, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
In this webinar, de speakers will focus on the following:
- Indications for liver brachytherapy (primary and secondary liver malignancies);
- Technique of interstitial CT-guided and US-guided liver brachytherapy;
- Collaboration with interventional radiology;
- Benefits compared to SBRT and other local therapies.
Presented by:
Dr. Stefanie Corradini, MD, PhD
Senior consultant Radiation Oncologist and Chief of Brachytherapy
Department of Radiation Oncology
LMU Munich Germany
Dr Gokula Kumar Appalanaido
MD (USM) FRANZCR (Radiation Oncology)
Clinical Fellowship in Rad. Oncology NCIS, Singapore
Consultant Radiation Oncologist & Brachytherapist
Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Dr. Muhamad Zabidi Ahmad
Advanced Medical and Dental Institute
Universiti Sains Malaysia
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