Saturday, December 12th 2020
IST – 4 pm | CET 11:30 am | UTC 10:30 am | AET 10:30 pm
Join us for the Brachytherapy Masterclass webinar and panel discussion on Transition from Intracavitary to Interstitial GYN with four international speakers.
Topics of this webinar are:
- Evolution of brachytherapy for cervical cancer in South Africa | Dr. Alicia Sherriff (South Africa)
- An institutional experience of transition from Intracavitary to interstitial | Dr. D.N. Sharma (India)
- Interstitial brachytherapy for gynecological cancers | Dr. Merdan Fayda (Turkey)
- State of the art brachytherapy for gynecological cancers | Dr. Alina Sturdza (Austria)
Dr. Umesh Mahantshetty from Tata Memorial Center (India) will be the moderator during this webinar.