C.O.I. | Centro Oncologico Integral

El Centro Oncologico Integral (C.O.I.) is the largest Oncology Clinic in Argentine Patagonia, with an integral capacity of diagnosis, treatment and complementary oncology services. Located in the capital of the province of Neuquén, it is a teaching referral institution with the adoption of highly advanced technology. The C.O.I. has seen uninterrupted growth in the areas of research, medical studies and personnel development.

Brachy expertise

The “Centro Oncologico Integral” introduced brachytherapy in 2019 where Radiation oncologists and physicists from the institution attended workshops on gynecological HDR brachytherapy, in differents trainings sites in Argentina and Brazil. The hospital was quick to adopt this technology and has been offering gynecological 3D brachytherapy to its patients since 2019 first using CT-based planning and introducing MRI-based planning since 2020.

C.O.I. has an extensive brachytherapy service with a special focus on gynecological cancer.

The center has impressive brachytherapy facilities and a dedicated brachy team of 3 radiation oncologists and 3 physicists. Around 50 patients receive brachytherapy treatment a year. The center is equipped for HDR image-based treatment, and is recognized as an expert center in the region.

Educational activities

From 2020, The C.O.I. is a designated global training center in MRI-based planning gynecological 3D brachytherapy techniques, with a special focus on vaginal and cervix malignancies.

Observational visits to the clinic are organized for people wishing to learn more about brachytherapy techniques, where they can observe clinical workflows and daily practices at first hand.

The C.O.I. can host 1 to 4 days in-house training on aspects of clinical workflows with Mosaiq brachy included iQScripts, use of applicators, integration with another image system, utilization and images fusion, planning and quality control, and has organized several guided visits for gynecology using MRI-based intracavitary technique.

Through extensive discussions and hands-on exercises, participants gained comprehensive practical insight into the clinical workflow of MRI-images based in 3D brachytherapy for gynecological tumors.

Read the news item here about the first observational visit at C.O.I. and/or watch the video.


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  • This is a BrachyAcademy educational centre for: Gynecology
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    C.O.I. | Centro Oncologico Integral
    Industriales Neuquinos 2800