Scientific paper Prostate

ESTRO ACROP consensus guideline on CT- and MRI-based target volume delineation for primary radiation therapy of localized prostate cancer


Background and purpose

Delineation of clinical target volumes (CTVs) remains a weak link in radiation therapy (RT), and large inter-observer variation is seen. Guidelines for target and organs at risk delineation for prostate cancer in the primary setting are scarce. The aim was to develop a delineation guideline obtained by consensus between a broad European group of radiation oncologists.

Material and methods

An ESTRO contouring consensus panel consisting of leading radiation oncologists and one radiologist with known subspecialty expertise in prostate cancer was asked to delineate the prostate, seminal vesicles and rectum on co-registered CT and MRI scans. After evaluation of the different contours, literature review and multiple informal discussions by electronic mail a CTV definition was defined and a guide for contouring the CTV of the prostate and the rectum was developed.


The panel achieved consensus CTV contouring definitions to be used as guideline for primary RT of localized prostate cancer.


The ESTRO consensus on CT/MRI based CTV delineation for primary RT of localized prostate cancer, endorsed by a broad base of the radiation oncology community, is presented to improve consistency and reliability.


  1. Prostate cancer
  2. CTV prostate, seminal vesicles, rectum, primary radiation therapy
  3. CT-based delineation
  4. MRI-based delineation
  5. Consensus guideline

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